Thursday, June 28, 2012


This post is probably one of my most recent obsessions. Clothing made in fabric with cats, clothing with cats on it, and clothing OF CATS!

Laser beams, cat with glasses, and the galaxy. What else could a girl (or boy) need?
Ceiling cat IS watching you. Enough said.
I am sorry this is happening to your eyes. But how could I NOT share this?
FASHION...accompanied by cats. THANK YOU.
I reall enjoy the effort and artistic expression in this. VERY Alexander McQueen of you...if he was a crazy cat lady.
Fancy over sized cat on dress? YES PLEASE!
OK OK I know this is ridiculous. But wouldn't it be awesome if this was humane? (I can just hear all the purring)
Seen spotted on SOLESTRUCK's blog. SIMPLY AMAZING! 

Monday, June 25, 2012

You can not think of cats and not think of the LOLCATS or the meme cats that have made it quiet big in the internet land of cats. The internet land of cats is a vast spreading and mind consuming land where cats talk, and make better facial expressions that us all. JUST A FACT. I always laugh when I see these. ENJOY!!


Saturday, June 23, 2012

To start off the madness of this blog, I am going to photo attack your mind with images of cats in clothing. YES. Cat fashion shows people! Be prepared for pure awesomeness to enter your retinas.

 And to end on a fabulous note:

This blog is dedicated to the insane addiction I seem to have with all things cats. I love cats, but in the healthy way where I still am a productive member of society. I work, I go to school, and I am married. I don't have more than one cat (sadly) and take showers on a regular basis. Now that we have those ground facts laid out...let the crazy cat madness BEGIN! 

DISCLAIMER: I am sorry to my friends and family, but I am done fighting my love and desire of all things cat. Small headaches may occur during review of blog posts and major laughing fits may ensue.

 Welcome to my cat land.